For the last 12 years I’ve been working as a Storyteller and a healer, running workshops, teaching Reiki and telling stories. It has been a long road of discovery in itself, built on an accumulation of all the years that came before it. Healing myself and my intuition. Balancing my heart and mind.
After living for 9 years off grid, in a little wooden chalet next to a nature reserve, near the beach on the beautiful Gower peninsular, South Wales. I’ve learned to reconnect to the natural cycles of nature as the seasons change and my need to light the wood burning fire brings a different aspect to life.
Following my heart, my creativity and my intuition, has led me to find the scattered parts of myself. Some say everything you need is inside yourself. For me, I needed to physically feel these things. As real as you and me. A way to feel these intangible dreams. A way to learn and heal, to reclaim and embrace these long lost missing parts, but also a way to find them.
This has been my way.
Travelling out into the world, following my heart, to see inside my heart, as it showed me new worlds and ways of living. Some I have chosen consciously, others on some deep unconscious level, cycles to be repeated until a lesson was learned.
So here I am! storytelling, playing my harp, writing and recently filming.